We turn over the package of Ultra360° filter cartridges

We’re not slowing down – we’ve just made more changes! This time they concern the packaging design of the Ultra360° filter cartridge. What have we done?


– We swapped the rear wall with the front wall.

The tear-off wall with places to supplement the data on the replacement of the cartridge, is located at the front after the change. We moved the wall with information about the manufacturer and the QR code to the back. Why?


We made this change based on your suggestions:

  • usability improved – to tear off the information sheet, you only need to tear the 3 tangents (you do not need scissors, the bends are incised)
  • placing the information card on the front wall will remind the forgetful of its existence and recommended use ;-). You don’t have to look for it, you just see it immediately.


It’s a small matter, but we hope it will make your work easier. #devilisinthedetails



Old packaging on the left vs new packaging on the right