ALEX has implemented protocols that ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers.

Dear customers and partners,

in the first place we put the health and safety of our employees and You. In connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus, we inform you about a number of preventive measures we have decided to take.

  1. We limit internal and external meetings to the necessary minimum and ensure business continuity.
    We implement preferred forms of contact – Skype and teleconferences.
  2. We cancel guest visits to all locations of the Company.
    Necessary for business continuity of external visits, they must be approved by the President of the Management Board or the Operating Director.
  3. We limit physical contact on greetings to Colleagues or Guests.
    We do not shake hands and we care about hygienic behavior – we cover our mouths when sneezing or yawning. We use disposable tissues, which we dispose of immediately after use. We recommend cleaning and disinfecting your hands frequently.
  4. After entering, everyone is required to disinfect their hands with a specially prepared disinfectant.
  5. Deliveries and collections of goods take place at the unloading yards.
    We introduce a ban on allowing employees of transport companies to enter buildings.
  6. If you have a low-grade fever, cold / flu symptoms, or feel unwell – don’t underestimate them.
    Postpone the visit until you are healthy or use other forms of contact.
  7. Disinfection of all handles must be carried out min. 2 times a day.
  8. Purchases are limited to 1 trip per week.
  9. Deliveries of goods at all locations of the Company are limited to 2 times a week.

Although it is a difficult time for all of us, we would like to inform you that our services are provided without restrictions, and we process all orders on time. Please understand the situation we are in and keep personal visits to a minimum.

As this situation continues to evolve, we will continue to assess how best to serve the needs of our customers while protecting the health and safety of the community.

Yours faithfully
The Management Board of ALEX Sp. z o.o.