International ISO 9001:2015 standards at ALEX

We declare that the company ALEX Sp. z o.o. successfully completed the re-certification of the quality management system and obtained the certificate no. FM 736583 verified by the British Standards Institution.



In order to obtain ISO 9001: 2015 certification, the company had to meet a number of requirements of an integrated quality management system based on set standards and undergo verification by external bodies, in this case the British Standards Institution – a leading institution in the field of standardization and certification. The certificate comes into force on October 27, 2020 and is valid until October 26, 2023.



The certificate confirms that ALEX Sp. z o.o. complies with international standards in the following scope:

  • Designing and manufacturing of automotive automotive gas systems.

  • Manufacturing of high precision components on CNC machinery.

  • Assembly of printed circuit boards.

  • Manufacturing of plastic automotive gas system components.



ISO 9001:2015 Certificate no. FM 736583

 ALEX Ltd. Quality Policy



ISO 9001 re-certification is a confirmation of commitment and continuous improvement at various levels of the organization. It requires organizing processes, creating the necessary documentation to confirm actions, as well as making the team aware and training.

We are perfecting for you, guaranteeing service and quality of workmanship at the highest level. Our priorities are professionalism and safety, and our goal is customer satisfaction. That is why we improve and modernize the infrastructure and perfect the quality management system.



We believe in what we do, and the satisfaction of our clients gives us energy to act.