Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.16.2 (12.06.2023)
Changes in the application of version Optima 2.16.2
New autocalibration. The controller calculates the idle speed correction and the multiplier during calibration. In the case of installing Barracuda injectors, in most cases the car is ready to drive after autocalibration.
The Hybridoption has been added to the ALEX OPTIMA EXPERT controllers.
The Gasoline Admixture adjustment has been added.
The Adjustment of the Minimum gas temperature function has been added.
The ability to call the window with any readings by double-clicking in the readings window has been added. See the instructional video.
Added ALEX HS gas level sensor to the list of sensors. ATTENTION!!! In order for the sensor to work properly, the Power supply from solenoid valve option must be selected. Refreshing after refueling the tank takes about 15 seconds after switching to gas.
The percentage averaging of the gas level display has been added. LED change every 25%. ATTENTION!!! The value changes in real time, only when the Gas Gauge Adjustment window is open.
The operation of the Service window has been improved.
The support for ALEX OPTIMA EXPERT 6 cyl. or 8 cyl. has been added. MPI 4-cylinder, with 8 petrol injectors, on 4 gas injectors and 3-cylinder, with 6 petrol injectors, on 3 gas injectors. Allowed support for engines in cars:
Hyundai DPI
More precise operation of Petrol injection.
Changes in the firmware V16
Changes related to new program options and reported problems.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.14 (17.01.2022)
Changes in the application of version Optima 2.14
Service tab: counter of emergency starts on gas has been added.
In the case of changing any corrections beyond the factory ones, e.g. revolutions corrections, the tab will be highlighted in green.
Map tab: table of % extra petrol injection depending on pressure collector has been added.
Sensors: new types of pressure sensors – 6 bar and 7 bar – have been added:
The option to enrich / lean at acceleration has been added.
Tab Fuel Type: CNG + variator option has been added, in case when using the ignition angle variator.
Petrol control type: gas injection advance option has been added.
Options that have been added for OPTIMA PICO controller:
quick start
cold lean
enrich / lean
Support for connecting two OPTIMA EXPERT MASTER-SLAVE controllers (Scheme to download).
Changes in the firmware V14
Changes related to new application options.
Correctness of indication averaging and tank refueling algorithm have been improved.
Added firmware for Toyota 3 cyl. with 6 gasoline injectors.
The MASTER-SLAVE firmware has been added for the OPTIMA EXPERT driver.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.12(22.10.2020)
Changes in the application of version Optima 2.12
The red marker for maximum gas pressure for CNG in the calibration tab has been removed.
The colour button has been added to gas switch settings.
A new oscilloscope function has been added. The oscilloscope can be displayed in the window.
The range of the minimum gas pressure has been increased from 0.0 bar – 2.5 bar.
The lock password has been hidden with asterisks (*).
RPM correction map for OPTIMA PICO controller has been added.
Displaying and switching between Bank1 and Bank2OPTIMA EXPERT has been improved.
Changes in the firmware V12
Gas switch operation has been improved.
Other changes related to the application.
In the event of a malfunction of the gas switch (unwanted sounds or incorrect lighting of the MODE diode), update the controller to Firmware V12.After the update, the switch will work properly.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.11
Changes in the application of version Optima 2.11
1. Gas level indication operation has been changed. The gas level sensor fitted must be selected. Recommended setting measuring period: Measuring period [min] = 2.
Linear fuel level change has been improved.
Attention!! Always check for a sensor that requires power, e.g. Hall or CNG sensor Power supply from solenoid valve = YES
2. Support for RGB switchboard has been added. a) Color adjustment. b) Colors in the RGB palette. c) Ready definitions.
3. Added option: Enrichment with acceleration. This option allows you to enrich and lean the mixture when accelerating, for a set number of cycles, up to the set value and revolutions.
4. Diagnostics tab. Color variation of errors into important and informative.
5. The option of smoothing corrections has been added. Turnover Corrections tab.
Firmware version of OPTIMA EXPERT 8cyl Controller for Nissan 4cyl cars with 8 injectors.
Other changes related to the application.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.10 nano, EXPERT
Optima 2.10 – application changes
The error occuring in the 2.09 version has been fixed (deleting the multiplier points with the [Delete] key).
Possibility to read or record the map settings of the fuel pressure emulator (copying the emulation settings between cars).
Possibility of fuel injection in the amount of more than 5ms (maximum 25ms).
New characteristics of gas level sensors for LPG and CNG have been added.
Larger buttons for the parameter window.
Calibration acceleration and improvement for CNG.
Albanian language has been added.
A factory default button for the Torpedo Emulator has been added.
V10 firmware changes
Changes related to the introduction of new options in the Optima 2.1 application
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.09 nano, EXPERT
NOTE !!!
The settings window is available only after connecting with the controller and detecting its type.
To view the program without the connection use the demo option: MENU> Device > DEMO Mode
OBD tab> Device
New setting added: Switch after error: YES/NO
When the option is enabled, when an error is detected in the OBD2 gasoline controller’s diagnostics, the installation switches to petrol itself.
New setting added: Delay after ignition: [s]
The time that must pass to connect the gas controller with the OBD2 gasoline controller. This option helps to report errors for cars with slow CAN initialization. This option can also be used to save time for an OBD2 scanner, for example, to be serviced.
Settings tab
New setting added : Gas Level Sensor […]
Power supply from solenoid valve: YES / NO
When enabled, the gas level from the tank is read only after the solenoid valve is switched on. This option helps to stabilize the gas level reading when using a hall sensor with its power connected to the solenoid valve.
Calibration tab
Nozzle selection indicator has been added.
Displays the suggested nozzle selection for a specific car.
NOTE !!! We follow the nozzle selection indicator only during calibration when the multiplier’s value is 1.0. After changing the multipier’s position,the nozzle selection indicator should not be followed. The marker in the center of the green field indicates well selected nozzles.
Firmware v9
Improved algorithm for petrol addition.
Automatic memorization of the OBD protocol after its autodetection.
Improved working of percentage of petrol admixture for slow rotation.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.08 nano, EXPERT
Application 2.081:
Added and updated Ukrainian and Greek languages.
Updated diagrams and manuals.
Application 2.08:
Added ability to edit the R diode (reserves) in the switch unit. The diode can be set as: changing from green to red,just green or always red (additional option in the gas level sensor settings).
Firmware v8:
Correction of gas level dispaly (more accurate indication).
Changing strategy of refilling pertol alongwith pertol secondary injection.
Changing strategy of exit and return on gaz after exceed maximum rotations.
Changing way of calculate slow rotations correction for automatic adaptations.
Correction of protocols communication ISO-OBD.
Tranlsation actualization.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.07 nano, EXPERT
Map tab:
Added correction adjustment of idle gear divided into bank 1 and bank 2.
Other changes:
Corrected features of warm ignition from rotations.
PWM sygnal reading of a pressure emulator has been fixed (more stable reading).
Accelerated return to gas fuel after exceeding the maximum turnovers on gas.
Added OBD disconnection by holding down the switch for 5 seconds. Signal and flashing of the service diode will confirm the release of OBD connection. 10 times switching on and off the ignition or pressing and holding the switch button for 5 seconds restores the connection of the OPTIMA EXPERT controller with the vehicle’s OBD.
Added the ability to change manually the values in the PWM table of the fuel pressure emulator inlet.
Added additional buttons [+], [-] to improve the work eg. on a PC.
Added recording of a fuel pressure emulation table with settings and oscilloscope.
Added support to bluetooth devices to connect to the controller and to connection via ELM327 in a bluetooth version.
Added new settings / option Menu > Device> Service:
Work on gas blockade – after exceeding a designated time of a gas controller operation, system blocks the possibility of further work on gas.
Controller blockade with a password – installation service, after an appropriate training and sending coded key of the computer(s), the autogas service is given the possibility to protect the driver with password. The controller protected with password, in case you try to connect, has only the ability to read the error diagnosis and current data. All the settings reading and their change are protected from outsiders.
Added Czech language.
Changes in the firmware and application of version Optima 2.06 nano, EXPERT
Switch signaling functions, added the switch turn off after the specified time. This option allows you to set the time after which the switch turns off after the engines’s stop. In case when the ignition plus is still present (eg. in Renault the switch lits even though the engine is off and turns off after a while). You can adjust the time out without the need to change the place of connection of the ignition plus .
Fuel pressure emulator tab for the controller EXPERT.
Added the support for the controller with built-in OBD (EXPERT). OBD tab >Device
Added emulation of the Lambda probe after the catalytic converter. The driver in vehicles where the sleeve emulation does not work – function available only for EXPERT controller.
Added emulation of the Lambda probe before the catalytic converter (eg. shifting LAMBDA / AFR coefficient ) – function available only for EXPERT controller.
Added more event markers on the oscilloscope.
Introduced four view modes in the parameters readings.
Other changes:
Fixed problem with the solenoid double-clicking after turning off the engine in cars where the plus does not disappear immediately after the engine is turned off.
Added manual for the nano driver. Top Menu – > Documentation
After updating the firmware V6 the controller does not require re-calibration of the system.
Fuel pressure Emulation tab
Four view models in the parametres reading
Switch turn off regulation
Oscilloscope view:
Added the ability to view the time range of injectors on the basis of recorded or current oscilloscope. After the test drive, if you want to know when it comes to loop gas or petrol injection time,we click the F5 key in the oscilloscope window . The below view will appear in the oscilloscope window .
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